Tips for Teaching Your Kids to Take Care Of Their Teeth

As a parent, it’s important to teach your kids the importance of good dental habits, like brushing twice a day and flossing. However, not all habits are learned through instruction. Sometimes kids learn by example. So, if you want your kids to develop good dental habits, the best thing you can do is take care of your own teeth.


Here are the other tips that can help your child attain a healthy set of teeth:

Brush and Floss Teeth

If your kids learn to take care of their teeth at a young age, they’ll be more likely to continue healthy habits as they get older. Make sure they understand the importance of brushing and flossing their teeth.

Limit Sugary and Starchy Foods

Sticky, sugary, and starchy foods can all contribute to tooth decay and cavities. If you must allow your child to eat something sugary or starchy, be sure to brush their teeth afterward. You should also encourage them to drink water instead of soda, juice, and other sugary drinks.

Get Regular Dental Checkups

Kids can learn a lot from their parents, so lead by example. Show your kids that going to the Pediatric Dentist in Palo Alto every six months is an important part of caring for teeth. Early visits help your child become comfortable with the dentist and our team. These early visits also give our Pediatric Dentist in Palo Alto and his team the opportunity to monitor your child’s dental development and discuss any treatment needs.

Stop Thumb-sucking or Using a Pacifier After the Age of Two

Thumb-sucking and using a pacifier are natural habits that children develop, and that may comfort them. However, these habits can actually harm your child’s teeth.

If your child has thumb-sucking or uses a pacifier, help them to stop before age two. When your child reaches age two, their new teeth will be coming in, and your child no longer needs the comfort that thumb-sucking or a pacifier provides.

If you continue to let your child use a pacifier or thumb their thumb or finger, your child may develop an overbite. An overbite means that your child’s top and bottom teeth do not match up. If you are concerned about the way your child’s teeth look, talk to the Pediatric Dentist in Palo Alto.

Don’t Share Toothbrushes or Rinse Cups

Parents often express concern over their children allowing other people to use a toothbrush or rinse cup. This is understandable, but preventing your child from sharing these items with others isn’t a good idea.

If children aren’t allowed to share these items, they may stop brushing their teeth. Children also need to learn that it’s okay to share personal items. This teaches them about sharing.

To learn more about Little Bytes Pediatric Dentistry, call us!

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Palo Alto, CA 94301
(650) 322-9837
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